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최초 작성 일 2005/07/31 오후 3:37

아래의 내용은 나중에 참조를 위해 복사해 둔것입니다.

출처 : http://ironbodies.blogspot.com/



Six Steps to Weight Loss Success

by Gerald Gore

What does it take to lose weight?

When it comes to losing weight there is so much conflicting information out there that a lot of people just are not sure where to begin. There is an old saying that states "if you want learn how to get rich then hang out with rich people" Well, that old saying can also be applied if you want to lose weight. The bottom line is, if you want to lose weight follow the advice of those that have successfully done so. When it comes to reducing body fat, Bodybuilders are the Kings and Queens to losing weight. Although many of their practices are too extreme for most people, there are some great secrets that should be used by everyone.

Before we begin we should first cover a few basic rules. Rule Number 1, there is no such thing as a magic pill! Yeah, I know that stinks but the facts are the facts. Although there are diet supplements and diet pills/ patches that will assist with weight loss they are not the magic solution. You will still need to add in a good diet and exercise program which leads us into Rule Number 2.

Proper diet and exercise are key. If you want to lose weight for the long term then you will need to have a good exercise and diet program. We will cover this more in detail later.

Rule number 3 encompasses both Rules 1 and 2. For most people they just need to take the steps to safely increase their metabolism. Most people have slowed their metabolism down so much that they seem to not be able to lose weight even if they eat onl y onc e or twice a day.

Steps to increase your metabolism and burn unwanted body fat.